y'naerith abes.


"Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?"

rules & ooc.

  1. This version of Y'naerith Abes is retired from the active roleplay community in Final Fantasy XIV. If you are interested in rping with her, check her in-game dossier HERE.

  2. I do make small exceptions for one offs or 'NPC fill ins', meaning if you need a face for a role for your own character's scenario, I am open to discussing it.

  3. Her story, as you would know it, is primarily held to the Main Story Quest timeline of Final Fantasy XIV alongside her husband, Kayyden Black. You can follow their story a bit more in depth through the links provided in the moments tab and through my tumblr page.

  4. I am open to SFW gpose collabs with her!

  5. If you are looking to actively roleplay with me long term or at venues, please check out my other characters, Kisa & Seelie.

Bri. 32. she / her.Hi! My name is Bri and I live on the Eastern side of the United States. I am happily married and spend a majority of my free time creating creative content for myself and friends, be that via roleplaying, writing, gposing, drawing or making videos. I currently primarily focus that content in the Final Fantasy XIV fandom, but also will make stuff pertaining to other video games, anime, tv shows and books!Currently Playing: FFXIV & FF7 Remake
Currently Reading: The Caraval Series
Currently Watching: Demon Slayer


  name.    y'naerith abes.
  age.    twenty four summers.
  nameday     19th sun of the 4th astral moon.
  guarding deity.     azeyma.
  gender. (pronouns).     female. (she / her).
  sexuality.     straight.
  hair color.     pale warm blonde.
  eye color.     blue & green (heterochromia).
  skin tone.     pale with warm undertones.
  notable features.     freckles over the bridge of her nose and tops of her cheeks, clan marks on her cheeks and forehead.
  job occupation.  
troupe leader & adventurer (DNC/VPR).
poisons & potions provider (ALC).
  place of origin.     Old Sharlayan
  home.    La Noscea; The Mist.
  affiliation.     the troupe of dancing lilies; scions of the seventh dawn
  family.     Kayyden Black [husband], Y'naidha Black [daughter], Y'shotla Rhul [cousin]
  marital status.     bonded to Kayyden Black.
  d&d alignment.     chaotic neutral/good.
  hobbies.   photography, baking bread, dancing, gardening.
  likes.     rolanberries, seafood, the beach, warm weather, her daughter.
  dislikes.     Ishgard, cold weather, bean soups, titles of propriety(lords, ladies, etc), mint.

  personality.     typically a very bright and bubbly person, Y'naerith has a charm about her that tends to draw in all sorts. It's a trait she has honed over the years as a dancer, but is also just truly a part of who she is. Sweet with a spark of adventure and a tendency to flirt, she tends to hold her true feelings close to her chest, only allowing those who put in the effort to get to know her access to her truer, yet sometimes less than pleasant, aspects.
The blonde's temper is only matched by her wit, both quick, sharp and very difficult to turn aim from. Those on the other end of her anger are often found in a series of discomforts, be that scandals spread of their character or poison spread through their veins.
Once those deeper depths to her are earned, however, it becomes rather difficult to find anyone more loyal to, or more devoted to protecting those she cares for.

Several excerpts from 'A Detailed History of the Warrior of Light'.Not much is known of the life of the Missus Y'naerith before her joining of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn during The Dragonsong War. This appears intentional, as any mention of the circumstances surrounding her appearance within The Holy See of Ishgard prior to her joining is oft met with an abrupt discontinuance of conversation. What is known, is that since her official joining at the Warrior of Light's side, there is rarely a time in recorded history in which the pair were seperated.One of the most well known events of the Missus Y'naerith during her time with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn is her involvement during the Nadaam, where in which she sacrificed herself in the line of fire of an arrow aimed at the Warrior of Light. This moment is often cited in more whimsical tellings of their history as a moment of confession between the pair, some witnesses even claiming that a shining light radiated between the two at the confession, though sources have proven unreliable.Following the Final Days, it has since been reported that the Warrior of Light and the Missus Y'naerith have since bonded and brought unto the star one child. The family has, in lieu of the disbandment of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, since been living a life of relative peace.

moments in time.

a realm reborn.
Chapter 1 A Few Missed Steps
Chapter 2 Once the Embers Fade
Chapter 3 An Enticing Encounter
Chapter 4 (Kayyden Solo POV)
Chapter 5 What It Means to Be the Warrior of Light
Chapter 6 (Kayyden Solo POV)
Chapter 23 (Y'naerith Solo POV)
Chapter 24 A Trip to the Bee Hive
Chapter 25 Time Expands & Contracts
Chapter 7 (Flashback Y'naerith POV)
Chapter 8 Of Masks and Men
Chapter 9 A Meeting of Hope
Chapter 10 (Y'naerith Solo POV)
Chapter 11 The Minute That Matters
Chapter 12 A Drop of Sunlight
Chapter 13 The Path to the Vault
Chapter 14 (Y'naerith Solo POV)
Chapter 26 The Long Trip Home
Chapter 27 Kadjaya's Footsteps [NSFW]
Chapter 28 Everything All At Once
Chapter 29 A Visit to the Past
Chapter 30 (Kayyden Solo Piece)
Chapter 31 Talk of Mama & Papa
Chapter 32 Bonds
Chapter 15 Scars and Claws [NSFW]
Chapter 16 (Kayyden Solo POV)
Chapter 17 (Y'naerith Solo POV)
Chapter 18 Night Before the Nadaam
Chapter 19 Battlefield Confessions
Chapter 20 A Proper Declaration [NSFW]
Chapter 21 The Eye of Allagan Myth
Chapter 22 The First Bite [NSFW]
coming soon.

Chapter 2: Once The Embers Fade




An overwhelming, all encompassing heat that swelled and stuck to skin like a coat of embers. It set an unease in the pit of Y’naerith’s stomach, mismatched eyes staring up at the jagged maul of a primal she had only read of in textbooks. That unease grew to a knot in her gut as the realization of what was bound to happen to them hit her. Nowhere to run, and a call for tempering of herself and those around her. Her eyes turned away, looking towards a pair of vibrant vermilion eyes as the wave of primal influence rushed towards them. 




The pale blonde miqo’te bolted upright, the thin sheets covering her thrown wayside as her eyes darted around the room. Empty. Save for a simple dresser with a small mirror, one that aimed her reflection directly back at her, the sheen of sweat on her skin apparent even in the thin veil of moonlight that peeked through her room window. She stared at herself, a soft heave of a sigh parting her lips as she pushed the sweat soaked strands that had stuck to her forehead out of her eyes. “Shit…”


Her hands went to her wrists, rubbing at them as if sore, as if the rope that had bound them behind her back was still there, as if the– She shook her head, clearing her mind of the thoughts and memories that threatened to approach the forefront, her jaw tightening as she forced them down. Clenching her fists, she collected them in her lap, trying to force herself to forget the feeling of hot rope and cold chains from her body’s memory, her thoughts trailing to how they ended up in the presence of a primal in the first place, the steps and precautions she had tried to take to ensure her and Kayyden’s safety seeming all for naught. And yet they survived. How? How did she survive?


After the defeat of the primal of fire, Thancred had sequestered Kayyden and herself to separate rooms in a small safehouse in Thanalan. The hyur had made a point to voice his speculations as to how she didn’t get tempered as he escorted her to her room, his narrowed and cautious gaze met with one of her own before she was set into her room for the night. She wasn’t sure what he was trying to find staring into her face like that, she was just as much looking for answers as he was, why was she spared? Her of all people.


She couldn’t resist the sarcastic scoff of a chuckle that parted her lips as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, staring down at the floor for a moment as her breaths shakily grew softer. Her ears twitched against her head, listening for any signs of life beyond her room door. None. Her cry of the other Seeker’s name going unheard in the night. Good. She told herself, closing her eyes as she contemplated trying to fall asleep again, the thought seeming distant, almost impossible to achieve. 


With quiet steps, the miqo’te woman took her strides over towards her belongings. She didn’t have much with her before stepping foot into the bowl of embers, and it felt like even less so now, little more than an old gleaner’s coat to slip over her chemise and smalls before she made her way out of her assigned room, wrapping the dull fabric tight around her middle as she made her way down the hall.


She didn’t have trouble finding Kayyden’s room. Even without having counted how many doors her and Thancred passed after they dropped off the white haired Seeker, the scent of lilies carried her way to his door. Her hand raised in a soft knock that seemed more like a ghost visitation than an inquiry of entry, barely rapping her knuckles against the hardwood surface of the door as she stood there, once again contemplating if she should go back to her room and try to sleep. No, it still felt too impossible of a task. 

Not hearing more than a soft shifting of bed sheets prior to silence, Y’naerith lowered her hand to the handle, turning it slowly and lightly, it giving way and allowing her entry with a weak and weary creak as she stepped inside. The room was just as lacking as her own, a bed, a simple dresser and a mirror, a small pile of clothes and belongings on a chair in the corner. The two daggers she gave him nestled safely on top. 


“Kayyden…?” She whispered the other miqo’te’s name softly, her steps slow and cautious as she traversed through the dark room, blue and green eyes going to the form laying across the bed in the corner. “Kayy-”




As peacefully asleep as if he were in his own home, one arm sprawled overhead, a leg tangled in bedsheets. Incredible. She had half an inclination to scoff at his ease and yet when she looked upon his sleeping face, she couldn’t bring herself to. A smile, soft and short, pulled at her lips instead, the blonde padding her way over to the edge side of his bed, kneeling beside him.

She was jealous at how peaceful he seemed after all that had happened. 


He had taken on a primal, fueled to the brim with devout prayer, and won


And here he is, sleeping soundly, not a care in the world from the looks of it. 




Everything she wasn’t.




This time, he heard her, soft mutterings of murmurs stumbling past his lips as his eyes blinked barely past squinting. She didn’t know how he did it, but even behind such barely waking gaze, she felt exposed to him, like all intents and purposes were laid out bare to him to the point of seeing her very soul. He didn’t look at her long before his decision was made on what to do next.


Without a word, he opened his arms to her, and without a thought, she climbed into them, crawling under the tangled up sheet and wrapping her arms around him, his encasing around her small frame to pull her close to his chest. She was certain that he had fallen asleep as soon as he tucked her head under his chin.




Her head tilted slightly in question before she realized. She was still wearing her coat.


There was a momentary pause, a short hesitation before Y’naerith shifted the coat off of her shoulders, sliding it out from behind her, letting the fabric slide and pile off the side of the bed before her arms re-found their spot around him. He let out an approving hum, his hold on her growing a bit tighter, a bit warmer. But it was unlike the fiery warmth she felt earlier that night, surrounded by fire and embers and searing against her skin. It was soft, gentle, like light dazzling across her skin as she nestled into his chest. Sleep wasn’t a contemplation for her anymore. It was there, soft and warm and welcoming, the blonde easing into sleep before she even realized it.


Chapter 5: What It Means to be the Warrior of Light


The din of it all surrounding him was hardly of consequence as he sat, thinking over all that had transpired. Lahabrea, Gaius, Hydaelyn… “Warrior of Light.” It was what they had called him, ”Light’s chosen Champion.” What did it mean and why of all those that walked upon the star, was it him that was given this title. Kayyden scanned the gathering around, the members of the scions that had come to ensure that his victory of the Ultima weapon was in fact successful, that Lahabrea had been laid to rest and would no longer come to whisper into enemy ears to bolster their strength to levels that rivaled that of the very Primals that he had put down. All of their chatter and discussion, shaking of hands and celebratory embraces, it was all a muffled murmur as he thought back to that place between, where the voice of the Mother Crystal reached him, instructing him on how to channel his power. Slowly, he cast his gaze down to his hand, examining it as if it were another’s that was attached to his own limb. Not long prior, a blade of light had extended from his grip, sundering Lahabrea from the body of Thancred, freeing him from the Acians grasp. 


“Hear, Feel…. Think…” Those words resonated with him, in the very depth of his core as if he had heard them once some time long before he could remember. His thoughts wandered, eating and pulling at him as he slowly paced about, only giving small nods to the presence of those who bid him congratulations over his achievement. His mind was a haze, his thoughts scattered to the corners of his mind, nearly lost to all that had happened in such a short time. He needed clarity, focus…something to pull him back from the brink of this duty that had been thrust upon him and in its entirety, threatened to consume him. He needed…


"Y'naerith! Come share a drink with us!" 


Several of the less prominent members of the Scions call out to the blonde as she circles a path around the room. The celebratory air of the evening appeared to have little effect on the young miqo'te, though she didn't shy away from giving those who met her gaze a warm smile before shaking her head. A drink could wait, and probably wouldn't do much to help the Seeker process her thoughts of all that had transpired besides. Her steps remained slow as she made her soft weaves through the room as she tried to do the same amongst her own thoughts, trying to sift through the myths, the legends, and the reality of their existence before her eyes landed on those of her cousin. The older Seeker's teal gaze seemed to be guiding her young cousin a direction, to where she knew it was best needed. To think that she would cross paths with her own family in such a way, traveling malms upon malms, slaying primals and saving Eorzea of all things and yet here they were. Well, neither of the Jaguar tribe Seekers really had any part in that last bit. That was all... 


There he is. The Warrior of Light. 


What a title. The Warrior of Light, The Hero of Eorzea, Hydaelyn's Champion. All encompassed in this young man with vermillion eyes who just a few moons ago stumbled over his very own feet upon meeting her. And with that, her steps seemed to gain more promise to them, striding her way to him directly, passing the snickering grins of Thancred andUrianger as they turned their gazes away as if to respect something. She hadn't a clue what. Or at least that's what she told herself. 


"Kayyden." His name came with a soft hesitancy to her tongue. Should she be calling him by this new title of his now? Was this the starting shift of encroaching decorum and pompous and respect she should have towards the fabled Warrior of Light or was he still... him? She felt like there were a thousand eyes on them in that moment, burning holes into their fronts and backs all the same. And she hated it, her eyes darting towards the door that would lead them out of the room and into the lengthy halls of the Waking Sands. 


“Want to get out of here?” 


There was seldom a time he could recall hearing someone’s voice and having it pierce the veil of the dozens of others that clamored in celebration over a victory he still hardly understood. As if a bell rang out its clarion song, he found himself gazing into the familiar pair of deep green and endless blue that were Y’naerith’s heterochromatic gaze. The question she had posed still rested gently within his ears as they flicked and fluttered as if of their own volition when she spoke while a smile broke across his otherwise stoic expression. 


“Twelve yes.” He breathed the words out like a sigh of relief, forever grateful for her timing in the moment. How many times had this woman that stood before him now seemingly come to his rescue at the last moment? Life seemed to return to the seeker’s features as his smile broadened and he cocked his head to the side toward the door that wasn’t more than a few strides from where the pair stood. His silent gesture was followed by swift initiative, reaching out and taking her hand within his without another word as he made for the door, promptly ignoring those that tried to halt him as he made his way beyond the constant din of celebration. A few strides, it was all that was needed, that, and to reach out and take the handle of the threshold so they might make their way to a breath of freedom. 


“Kayyden!” Came another’s voice, a flash of pink caught his eye as Minfilia came to put herself between him, his companion and the doorway. “I hadn’t a chance to properly say…” Before he could gather the words at the edge of his tongue to dissuade the young miss Warde from her oncoming onslaught of words of praise and high esteem there was another that came to put himself directly in her line of sight. “Minfilia, have you had yourself some of the foods that Tataru had prepared for the occasion? Twelve there are delights from each corner of greater Eorzea. I do believe I even heard tell of Urianger finding himself a bottle of Sharlayan wine. You simply must try some.” Before the young leader of the Scions could utter anything greater than a few unsatisfied huffs, Thancred was dragging her well on her way toward others that welcomed her presence far greater than Kayyden at that given moment. 


Even if Thancred had turned to catch the silent thanks that the crimson eyed seeker offered, Kayyden was hardly going to waste the given moment before completing his journey out the door with Y’naerith in tow behind him. The cooling air beyond the overly populated room was one of the most refreshing things the seeker had felt in some time. Turning to look to her, his friend and confidant that he had journeyed high and low with over the past several months, he dipped his head. “Thank you..” He began with a genuine gratitude to his tone before he lifted his head up and met her gaze once again. “...I fear I was on the edge of losing myself in that crowd. I…” His expression twisted somewhat, a look of confusion and dissatisfaction with it all. “...hope you’re not going to start calling me some sort of nonsense title. I’m still just Kayyden. Right?”


The relief of the more barren hallway, speckled with quieter and sparser conversations brought a sigh to her lips once they passed over the threshold, her hand slipping from his as she rounded a corner. It was a touch more secluded, a small alcove towards one of the storage bays, away from prying eyes but those in search of them would be able to find them easily enough. "Well... I guess that depends, yeah?" Y'naerith asks with a soft tilt of her head, sitting down on a bench that lined the wall to rest her elbows onto her knees, her chin perched in her palm. "You've done more than just anyone could achieve and then some, and to many of those in that room-" She cocked her head towards the door they just narrowly escaped from. "You are now the fabled Warrior of Light, a legend very few of us had ever even heard of, let alone had the chance to dream of. They will not view you as anything other than that now." There was a weight to her words, a sternness of responsibility that she often took to him when she had to explain the ins and outs of their star to him. It reminded her of the night she had to explain tempering to him, when her concerns for him were to not stare in the eyes of a primal, to not draw his blade for there was no chance that he would survive... and yet here they were, several primals slain and still alive and able minded to speak of it. And here she was, all the same. 


"Do you feel... like more than 'just Kayyden' now?" She asked, mismatched eyes turning up to meet his, her tone shifting to one more gentle, that more of a friend seeking to comfort him.


Kayyden merely rolled his eyes at the weighted words of just what he had become, especially in the eyes of the many. He imagined it would not be long before there were others beyond that room of cohorts and companions that spread tell of what he had done that very day. But they only knew what they saw, the fact that he and she came out unscathed from such a momentous battle. Crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall, he mulled over all that she said, clicking his tongue against the inside of his cheek when she pointed out how they would view him now. His was a sullen face, worn by someone that had their entire world changed in the matter of a day and night. “No…I just… I don’t know.” 


Drawing in a deep breath, the seeker ran his hand up through his snowy locks, giving himself a moment to focus clearer upon what he felt in that moment. 




Maybe there was a point to those words that the Mother Crystal had whispered like thunder to his core when he stood defiantly before the Ascian. “I feel like I’ve been tasked with something that no one person should have to handle alone and yet…” His crimson gaze came and rested with hers, studying her features as she looked upon him with genuine concern and care. “Have you ever been in a situation that you’ve never experienced before and yet, it’s so oddly familiar that you’re practically comfortable with it?” His tail swung somewhat nervously behind him, as if he was worried that the question was far too odd a reply to the one she had posed to him in the first place. “That’s how I feel. Y’naerith, I feel comfortable with it all.” Even as he was the one to speak the words, he himself looked almost surprised that he had even uttered them. “But I still want to be who I am, titles, they just…muddy things.” His crimson gaze shifted as he glanced at the spot next to her. “Am I mad for that?”

There was a tension in her shoulders as she awaited his answer, a seriousness only outweighed by her concern for her companion. He was still a man coming into his own, forging new memories after all those before had been taken from him to make himself anew and now.... it seemed as if the universe was sealing him into a role not of his own making. It didn't sit right with her anymore than that same feeling towards herself did. Ever since that first encounter with Ifrit, the Scions looked upon her like an oddity. Like her existence wasn't meant to be part of their plans for the snow-haired Seeker. 

Well tough. Wherever he goes... 

The thought passed through her mind like a quick breeze, her eyes going up to him with lofted brows at his answer. She held his gaze a moment longer, like she was testing to see if he would break under it, but he didn't, he never did. With a slow steadying sigh, the blonde rose to her feet, stepping in close to him before she took his hands in her own. They were still gloved, the stiff creases of his Maelstrom uniform broadening his shoulders and casing him away from her like a statue of something worth worshiping. She knew that there would soon be those that did, that would look upon him with admiration and reverence, fawning over the chance of his gaze and dreaming over the blessed touch of the Warrior of Light. It made her stomach knot. 

"You're not mad for it." She said simply, pulling the dark leather from his hands in slow, swift movements as she laid his hand down in her own, palm up as she traced a delicate finger over the creases that crossed his palm. "You are destined for a many great things, Kayyden. I know that and so do you. But soon the rest of the star will too. And there are those that are going to want that greatness for themselves.... and some are far more willing to do anything to get it. So...right now you have a choice." She spoke softly, in words that could barely be above a whisper as she kept her eyes to his hand. "You can take it in, accept what you are now. The Warrior of Light and Kayyden. Accept that there are those that are going to view you differently now, for better or worse, and those that are going to resent your being just for existing and try to extinguish it. Or..." 

There was a twitch of her ear, footsteps approaching from around the corner, before she took his hand and quickly dragged the much taller miqo'te into the storage bay. It was dark, snug, only the creeping light of the moon shining through a crevice that somehow got deemed a window. But even in the dark, she felt like she could meet his eyes as easily as breathing. "Or we run away. Right now and never look back."


A certain reassurance came from her dissuading his question of madness as she did. Relief or no however, he did little to resist her taking of his hand as she did. In truth the man welcomed it far more than he dared to admit. Carefully, he watched along as she traced the lines of his palm, speaking the simple truths that he understood all the better as she spoke them into truth. It gave rise to a new question in his mind, one that he had not had a moment to focus upon since before they had entered the Praetorium; still even as the thought gave to rising he still kept his attention so closely wrapt upon her and what she said. It was far more important than… 




There was a flick to her ears, much as there was to his as the sound of footsteps came closer to them. He was expecting it in truth, having that moment impeded by another just as her words of encouragement began to dismiss his doubts and worries. They had only gone so far from the celebrations; even as enthralled as he was by her comforting whispers the stone walls only dampened the sounds of the multitudes of conversations that were being had about him no less. Just as he was prepared to turn and face whomever approached there came a tug at his hand, beckoning him to follow whether he was prepared to or not. A moment later and the door to a store room was closing softly after them as the pair of seekers found themselves alone in the dark. So many times they had been close, even closer than they were at the very moment. No longer did her fingers reside against his outstretched palm but small spaces allowed for only so much movement as his hand slipped from her grasp, his fingers incidentally brushing against her own as she peered up at him. How found himself wondering how adept he may be at holding his breath as each draw of air found their chests rising and falling in time to one another’s, aiding in the reminder of simply how small their newfound hiding spot was. He prayed in silence that it would give way to the steady tempo that quickened beneath his own breast as he gazed back into her mismatched gaze. The moment felt as though it stretched beyond the few spans of breath that came between them as he found his gaze drift all the slightly. He found himself wondering, had her features always seemed so gentle? So delicate? Before his gaze could return to hers he found himself studying the way those few rays of moonlight played along the soft curves of her lips. How they glistened so subtly. Watching as they neatly parted to let free a thought that she had since before they entered their dark hideaway. 


“Or we run away. Right now and never look back.” 


The words came as soft as the evening breeze would, while the warmth of the air that carried them gently brushed along his neck. He expected himself to chuckle, to smile; such a notion after everything that had transpired, it couldn’t be that easy. Could it? But no hint of amusement or laughter emerged, instead he felt himself go weak at his knees as he quickly reached for anything to keep him upright while the words she had just spoken echoed within the very core of his being. 


“Or we run away. Right now and never look back…” The world shifted, turning itself sideways as his view of her features shifted in the dark, replaced by the hazed silhouette of another. ”The seat can go to another and we can just…. Right now and never look back... You don’t have to be…” Her voice was like a melody, harmonious in its very nature. ”...Azem.” 


Kayyden felt a pain behind those words, or was it the heartache of the one he was seeing the memory through? There was no way for him to discern what was what in those moments, he could only hold on as best as his mind could permit. Grasping at the strands of his own consciousness, trying to stay there in that moment. With her. A gasp slipped from him, carrying her name along his lips as fingers closed tightly around what he could find within his reach.


The only thing within his reach was her, the blonde's eyes widening as his weight shifted to near collapse, her slender arms moving to wrap around him as a sharp pang of emotion crossed her mind. Sadness? Resignation? She couldn't place it clearly, not with her focus on making sure Kayyden didn't lose himself. "Easy, easy... I got you..." She whispered softly, her knees threatening to buckle but holding steady as his hand gripped into the shoulder of her dress sleeve. Her arms tightened around him as best they could, the side of her head pressing against his chest as she used herself to stabilize him. Her ears flicked as the sound of his heartbeat met them, or maybe it was her own resounding in her ears as panic buried into her chest. 


And then her knees betrayed her, or maybe the typically strong joints were simply in conspiracy to give her some relief, the sound of fabric ripping being the only sound joined by the muffled collapse of the two miqo'te. Her knees gave out beneath her in a stagger, her back skidding down the stone wall until she was sat upon the ground, the shoulder of her top pulled and torn down her arm. Kayyden's body fell with her, but not in full, seeming to regain himself just enough so he didn'ts collapse down upon her with his full weight. His knees fell to either side of her, his eyes still screwed shut as he attempted to clear his head of the memories swirling through them.

“Or we run away…” Her very own words rang in her head, a melodic echo following in it's wake as her mismatched eyes searched his face in the dim light of the storage room. Her hand brushed the long white strands of his hair away from his face, silent contemplation mixed with concern. "I got you... deep breaths..." She whispered out her words with soft soothing touches through his hair, trying to comfort him as best she could as he regained himself.


Kayyden had felt the echo before, each time it was an experience he did not wish on any other, nor did he wish to repeat it within a short span of time between them. Time and time again, he knew well enough that his endurance and stamina had proven to be enough to contend with near any scenario and yet, here he sat, practically a crumpled heap in the arms of the woman who had done all that she could for him over the course of so many months. 


“Y’na…” His mouth felt dry, the seeker could barely formulate her full name as he clung to her. Such small spaces were no place for the sort of closeness they shared. Guilt weighed on him much as he physically pressed over her. “Thank you, I’m sorry…” The words fell from his lips as he began to comprehend how she was caring for him in that given moment. Each small stroke of her slender digits brought on a sense of calm as his thoughts began to return in full, allowing for him to function as he should. Still, he lingered a moment longer. Each gentle caress, each whisper of soft comforting words; his ears flicked softly as the steady rhythmic beat of her heart from under her breast proceeded to fill his sense of hearing. She was being kind, caring and he…he felt selfish in the moment for it. Having collapsed against her in the first place, needing her to tend to him so. 


Warrior of Light. The title echoed within his mind as he drew in a deep breath. It meant something, not just to the people within the rooms beyond the small space they currently shared but to all of Eorzea, as well as her enemies. ”Or we run away…” And then there were those few words, the ones that had tripped him into another flash of the echo. Had him perceive someone else who had once spoken those very words to another. But who or what was an Azem? Slowly Kayyden shook his head, freeing himself from the thought as he pushed himself upright, lifting himself off of the blonde seeker as delicately as he could. It wasn’t until he brought himself to look upon her again did he take note of what had happened to her dress. He hadn’t heard the sound of the fabric tear as he collapsed atop her. “..Your dress!” His exclamation came as a surprise to even himself, her exposure wasn’t so much as to make a young man blush and yet still, the faint trace of her delicate flesh in the small moonlit room, dewed with the faintest droplets of beaded sweat. 


“No…I can’t, Y’naerith.” It was said for both his sake and to answer her suggestion. “If I am to be both Kayyden and this Champion to Eorzea, I can’t run….” As much as he wanted it, as much as he wanted…. Kayyden shook his head again as he pushed himself upright on his knees and pulled his coat from his shoulders, offering both it and a hand to her to help her rise from where she had been.


As Kayyden lifted himself onto his knees, she followed suit, scooting herself to sit upright against the wall, mismatched eyes watching over him carefully as he composed himself. Her dress was of no import to her, a torn sleeve meant nothing as his answer rang into her ears. He is choosing to be the Warrior of Light. There was a soft pang of pain in her chest. A worry that felt deep rooted though she could not place it. Kayyden was clearly capable, in many aspects and with the ascian and primal threat seemingly well handled then maybe... 


She nodded her head, clearing her thoughts as she took his hand, completely forgoing the jacket, taking his hand in both of her own. There was a look of resolve in her eyes, a mix of worry and hope and a slew of other emotions she couldn't make heads or tails of at the moment. "Kayyden... if that is really what you want to do...." She paused, another quick scan of his face before a soft, almost resigned smile pulled at her lips. "Then you have my support. I will help you as best I can when I am able to." She said with a resolved nod, her hand reaching up to brush his hair back one more time before she moved to stand up. "We should get you back to the party. Surely they're wondering where you ran off to."


Her hands were soft as she gently wrapped them around his own. Still he held the jacket as she looked to him, her opposed hues of deep blue and endless green a churning whorl of all that she seemed to feel in that given moment. His lips parted, ready to speak her name, the want to forgo all that he had just said in the hopes that she might reciprocate any of what he felt in the depths of his heart. She was his friend, his companion throughout the ventures they shared to this very day. He had seen the spectrum of emotions that deep gaze of hers could hold and so badly did he wish to lose himself in it until the final sun fell upon the horizon. 


I want to run away with you… As the thought echoed within him while he gazed back into her pools of resolve, he felt himself begin to slip. As if the echo had drawn him to something he was missing, something that he had lost and had no idea of it. Almost on instinct, Kayyden inadvertently leaned his cheek into her hand as she reached up to brush those few strands of hair from outfront of his face. It was only a fleeting thing, before his own sense of self kicked back in, sending a jolt of awareness through him as he realized himself. “Y..yes… You’re right, we should.” More than anything Kayyden prayed the dim light of the small closet they had sequestered themselves into was enough to hide away the flash of bashfulness he felt at acting without thinking. 


As she stood, he followed suit, keeping his coat held tight as he was quickly reminded of the difference in their two statures. If she was to help, if she was willing to be there by his side, he could do this. Turning so slightly, Kayyden pressed a hand to the knob that would see to their return to the hall, likely to run into one that might have very well been looking for them. The seeker paused for a moment, his own resolve burning hotter as the words of her reassurance banished any doubt that he felt in that moment. “Y’naerith…” Kayyden started, ready to deliver unto her his thanks in what few words he could muster. No, words were not enough. Releasing his grip from the door’s handle, he turned, dropping his coat to the ground as he maneuvered enough to embrace the petite woman lifting her from where she stood as he hugged her with all that he could without threatening to break the poor girl. “Thank you, for everything.” He breathed the words into her shoulder before he set her back down, returning her earlier smile with one of his own, only his now brimmed with a confidence that had so clearly wavered prior. “I don’t think I’d be able to do this without you.” With a stoic nod and deep breath, Kayyden returned his hand to the knob and turned, letting the light of the hall illuminate their small secluded darkness as he cast a glance back upon her once more. 


“Well then? Shall we see just how this next adventure goes?”